Project Lombok Tutorial
How To Install Project Lombok In Apache Netbeans
# Dev Environment:
- Apache maven (v3.6.1)
- maven-compiler-plugin (v3.8.1)
- lombok (v1.18.8)
- Apache Netbeans (v10.0)
# Installation Steps:
- Go to project lombok's download page and download the latest stable jar file. Add it to your project libraries.
- NOTE: Incase you're working on a Maven Project, this step isn't neccessary. All you need is to add lombok as a project dependency in your pom.xml file. i.e
- Once the dependency is added, Right-click your project >> Select "Build with Dependencies". Maven will download the dependencies listed in your pom.xml file.
- Now when you use lombok specific annotations, Clicking the red danger icon in the gutter should pop up a context menu. In the menu you should be able to easily import the relevant annotation. i.e Add import for lombok.Getter
- That's it for today. Don't hesitate to leave a comment. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
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